- 06.05.2020Look forward to international speakers of our re:publica on Sequencer Tour and rpAccra as well as an evening programme with DJs from Detroit!
- 08.01.20205 cities—294 speakers—1 journey through the U.S.: It has been #wunderbartogether!
- 09.10.2019Only one more day until re:publica Portland! We have summarized the most important information for you.
- 01.10.2019It has been #wunderbartogether: After one full year in the States re:publica will be wrapping up its SequencerTour in Portland, Oregon, from October 11 - 12, 2019 with one final bang.
- 26.09.2019Monica Wheat about the meaning of effective ecosystems for access to innovation and economy.
- 26.09.2019An interview with choreographer Aku Kadogo.