Now's the time to participate!
Come with us to the city of angels! Until September 9 you can still submit your presentations, panels, workshop ideas and more for the conference program in L.A. After all: the program is shaped by you! Just like for every re:publica, with the Call for Participation (CfP) we have also incorporated the community into our specially curated conference program on November 5. This gives you the chance to present your ideas and projects at the start of the Sequencer Tour in L.A.
For a transatlantic digital society
Together with our event partners Reeperbahn Festival and next media accelerator the SEQUENCER TOUR is setting off to Los Angeles for its launch. As the largest city in California, it is a hub for high-profile tech and music enterprises and offers access to the international creative, digital and music industries. The conference program curated by re:publica in L.A. on November 5, 2018, concentrates on the topics “Politics & Society,” “Leisure & Lifestyle” and “Transatlantic Fusion.” These are complemented by conference programming, showcases, media and music matches, as well as an exhibition.
Deutschlandjahr USA
The Sequencer Tour is one of the flagship projects of Deutschlandjahr USA. The initiative is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, implemented by the Goethe Institut and supported by the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI). The Deutschlandjahr USA deals with cultural issues as well as considering what makes a just democracy and examining new paths in the media landscape. In the scope of the Deutschlandjahr USA, countless transatlantic projects, events and workshops will take place in the USA throughout the year. After the tour kick-off in L.A., four subsequent events will take place in New York, Portland, Detroit and Austin. Stay tuned!
More information?
This way to the CfP LA.